No, you do not have to sign a contract. You just pay for the first month in advance and then you will be billed on a monthly schedule. When you want to terminate service just call us and we will finish the month you have paid for.
Yes, we can customize a plan to suit your needs.
We pick-up once per week.
It depends on what area you live. When you setup service, we will look up your area and set your scheduled day.
Dry Creek Trash Service does not provide containers however, we do have containers for sale. You may use any type of container you wish, or no container at all if you prefer to bag your trash.
No, the trash can be loose in a trash can, but we must be able to lift the can into the truck.
We can pro-rate for mid-month start dates.
Presently we serve Ireland, Jonesboro, Pancake, Turnersville, Hurst springs, Coryell City, Oglesby, South Mountain, Gatesville,Mound, Levita, Purmela, Pearl, King, Pidcoke and surrounding areas. We also service parts of Hamilton County from the City of Evant to just North of the City of Hamilton off of Hwy 281.
If you don't see your area call us - we want to hear from you!